What is a number divided by a nonzero number?

What is a number divided by a nonzero number?

Equal to quotient

A number divided by an integer (except 0) is equal to the () of the integer

Equal to a multiple of the reciprocal

In fractional division, dividing by a number that is not zero equals ()

Multiply by

Lan Lan said: a number divided by a fraction is equal to the reciprocal of the number multiplied by the fraction______ .

Divisor is a fraction, which means that divisor must not be equal to 0. Therefore, it is correct to divide a number by a fraction and multiply it by the reciprocal of the fraction

The equation contains the formula of addition, the equation contains the formula of subtraction, the equation contains the formula of multiplication, and the equation contains the formula of division
An equation with addition
The equation contains the formula of subtraction
The equation contains the formula of multiplication
Equations with division
Equations with mixed operations

X plus 2 equals 3
4 minus x equals 3
X times 2, etc. to make 2
2 divided by X, etc
2 (3 plus x) equals 8

Add, subtract, multiply, and divide all so that five four's are three


On the left side of a balance is equal to the right side. On the right side, there is a 100g weight and X weights. On the left side, there are three X weights. How many equations are used to find x equal to


When weighing an object with a balance, the weight is placed on the left (normally on the right). Is the weight of the object equal to the weight of the weight minus the weight of the swimming weight

That's right!
If not, then we can know the balance left = balance right + weight
Now, if you look back, it's the same: left = right + swimming weight. Then it's the mass of the object + swimming weight = weight. So the mass of the object is the mass of the weight minus the swimming weight

Put weights on the left side of the balance and objects on the right side. At least how many weights can be prepared to weigh all the whole grams between 1kg and 30kg

If it's enough, you can use it directly. If it's 5g, you need 510 (2) 2050

On the left side of the balance, 5 grams of weight and four pills are placed. On the right side of the balance, 10 grams of weight are placed. Both sides are balanced. The weight of each pill x g is expressed by the equation
