Dividing by a number is equal to multiplying by the reciprocal of the number______ .

Dividing by a number is equal to multiplying by the reciprocal of the number______ .

Divide by a non-zero number is equal to multiply by the reciprocal of the number, the question lacks the restriction of divisor, wrong. So the answer is: wrong

220 divided by a number is exactly equal to the product of 11 and 4. What's the number?


The result is 520.1314?
There is an operation process, no matter what single digit others think, the result after operation is 520.1314

Think of each digit, + 52.8 again * 5 again -3.9343 again / 0.5 again - think of 10 times the number (you can calculate it a priori). I remember it should be such a formula

What is 1314-1314 + 520-1314 + 123456789


There are three X's on the left and one X + 100's on the right?


The simple calculation example for Grade 6 of primary school includes multiplication, division, equation, multiplication and division of decimal and addition and subtraction of fraction

Any more?

Division, equation, 50 exercises each,
Division, equation 50 exercises each

Simple application questions
instructional objective
1. It enables students to further master the structure of simple practical problems and correctly choose the solutions according to the meaning of four operations and the quantitative relationship in the problems
2. Through teaching, further improve the students' ability to analyze and solve practical problems
3. Explore the internal relationship between knowledge, stimulate students' interest in learning
Teaching focus
Master the structure of simple application questions and correctly answer them
Teaching difficulties
Master the quantitative relationship of simple practical problems
teaching process
1、 Basic training
1. Oral calculation:
2.2+3.57 × ×1.2
1.4- +0.5 11.3-8.6
( + )×12 (0.18+ )÷9 7.75- -
2. The following questions are only listed and not calculated
(1) The sixth grade students donated 105 yuan to the disaster area, the first class of sixth grade donated 98 yuan to the second class of sixth grade?
(2) The school library bought 150 story books and lent them to class 1, grade 5. How many are left?
(3) The farm tool factory can produce 56 farm tools every day. How many farm tools can be produced in 7 days?
(4) There are 24 baskets of apples in the fruit shop, which will be sold out in 6 days. How many baskets of apples do you sell every day?
(5) There will be 48 large print books on display in the exhibition, 8 on each table. How many tables do you need?
(6) There are 136 students in grade five, among whom are girls. How many girls are there?
2、 Induction and arrangement
Reveal topic: today we will review such simple application questions
(1) Teaching example 1: (continue to demonstrate Courseware: simple application questions) Download
There are 364 male workers and 91 female workers in a factory. How many male and female workers are there in this factory?
Teacher questions:
What are the known conditions of this problem?
What's the problem?
What is the relationship between the problem and the known condition?
Why do you answer that?
Teacher summary:
In this problem, the result is directly related to two known conditions. As long as the two known numbers are combined, the result can be calculated directly. This is a simple application problem
(2) Variant exercises
1. Change the question: according to the two known conditions in example 1, can you ask other questions and make them into simple application questions?
① How many more men than women?
② How many times more men than women?
③ What is the percentage of female workers to male workers?
2. Change the conditions: according to the practical problems and the formulas listed above, can you change the known conditions and problems in each problem into two different simple practical problems?
① There are 455 male workers and 364 female workers in a factory. How many female workers are there?
② There are 455 male and female workers in a factory, 91 female workers. How many male workers are there?
③ There are 91 female workers in a factory, 273 more male workers than female workers. How many male workers are there?
④ There are 273 fewer female workers than male workers in a factory, 91 of them are female workers. How many are male workers?
⑤ There are 91 female workers in a factory. The number of male workers is four times that of female workers. How many male workers are there?
⑥ There are 364 male workers in a factory. The number of female workers is equal to that of male workers. How many female workers are there?
⑦ The number of male workers in a factory is four times that of female workers. There are 364 male workers. How many female workers are there?
⑧ There are 91 female workers in a factory. The number of female workers is that of male workers. How many male workers are there?
Teacher's question: what are the characteristics of simple practical questions? What are your gains?
Teacher summary:
It can be seen from the above problems that simple application problems are composed of two known conditions and a problem, and the problem is directly related to the two known conditions. That is to say, the answers can be obtained directly from the known conditions through one-step calculation
(3) Review some common quantitative relations that have been learned
Through example 1, we have studied the quantitative relationship of some simple practical problems. Now let's review some common quantitative relationships
Quantitative relationship
Quantity relation
Income, expenditure, balance
Income expenditure = balance
Unit price, quantity and total price
Single output, quantity, total output
Speed, distance, time
Work efficiency, time, total amount of work
Principal, time, interest rate and interest
1. Please take a group as a unit to illustrate the meaning of quantitative relationship and fill out the most basic quantitative relationship in each group
2. According to these quantitative relations, can you work out three different practical problems?
3、 Consolidate feedback
1. Answer the following application questions. After solving, use the quantitative relationship in the original question to compile two application questions connected with the original question
(1) An average of 800 TV sets are manufactured in a TV factory every day. How many TV sets can be manufactured in 20 days?
(2) The school bought 120 exercise books with 102 yuan. How much is each exercise book on average?
2. Add a condition or a problem to the following questions, and then solve them
(1) A batch of goods, carrying 10.5 tons_______________ How many tons of the goods were there?
(2) Build a 3800 meter long canal_______________ How many meters per day?
(3) The number of white sheep is equal to that of black sheep_______________ How many black sheep are there?
(4) A train runs 420 kilometers in 7 hours_______________ ?
3. Answer the following questions
(1) The price of a kind of wool is 66.5 yuan per kilogram. How much should I pay for 0.5 kg?
(2) Master Xiao produces 250 parts a day, 225 of which are first grade products
4、 Class summary
What do you gain from today's study?
5、 Homework
1. Fenghua farm grows 120 hectares of corn, and the area of wheat is twice that of corn. What is the area of wheat?
2. Fenghua farm has 165 hectares of wheat and corn. How many hectares of corn?
3. Fenghua farm grows 165 hectares of wheat, twice as much as corn. How many hectares of corn?
4. Fenghua farm has 120 hectares of corn. The area of corn is wheat. How many hectares of wheat?
6、 Blackboard Design

Choose 2 or 3 numbers from 2, 4, 6, 8 and 0 to form the division formula, so that the quotient of the division formula is equal to 2, 3 and 5 respectively
Super urgent

Is that ok

From the relationship between ratio and division, the () of ratio is equivalent to the divisor in division, the () of ratio is equivalent to the division in division, and the () of ratio is equivalent to the ()

From the relationship between ratio and division, the former is equivalent to the divisor in division, the latter is equivalent to the divisor in division, and the ratio is equivalent to quotient

Although there are some relations between ratio, division and fraction, their meanings are different;
Although there are some relations between ratio, division and fraction, their meanings are different. Ratio refers to two numbers (), representing two numbers (); division is a kind of (); fraction is a kind of ()
The last one the man didn't say

Ratio refers to the division of two numbers, indicating the relationship between two numbers; division is an operation; fraction is a number