The divisor in the division formula is equivalent to (), the divisor is equivalent to (), and the division sign is equivalent to (). Use letters to express the relationship between fraction and division The relationship between fractions and division is ()

The divisor in the division formula is equivalent to (), the divisor is equivalent to (), and the division sign is equivalent to (). Use letters to express the relationship between fraction and division The relationship between fractions and division is ()

The divisor in the division formula is equivalent to the (numerator) of the fraction, the divisor is equivalent to the (denominator) of the fraction, and the division sign is equivalent to the (fractional line)

The divisor in division is equal to () of the fraction, and the divisor is equal to () of the fraction(

In division, the divisor is equal to the numerator of the fraction, and the divisor is equal to the denominator of the fraction

The numerator in the fraction is equal to the divisor in the division, and the denominator is equal to the divisor in the division, right

A: No. the numerator of a fraction is the divisor of a division, and the denominator is the divisor of a division

A fraction can be regarded as the division of two numbers. The numerator of fraction is the divisor of division, and the denominator is the divisor______ .

According to the relationship between fraction and division, the divisor is the numerator and the divisor is the denominator

Quotient in division is equivalent to quotient in fraction(

The former term of the ratio is equivalent to the numerator of the divisor and fraction of the division; the latter term is equivalent to the divisor and denominator of the fraction; the comparison sign is equivalent to the division sign and fractional line of the division; the ratio is equivalent to the quotient and fractional value of the division
Difference: ratio refers to the relationship between two quantities; division is an operation; fraction is a number

In a division formula, the sum of divisor, divisor, quotient and remainder is 85. If the divisor is known to be 4, find the sum of divisor and remainder
Please do it in a primary school way

63÷4=15^…… 3. The method is very simple. The test value is enough. Just substitute a few numbers to try. There are too many unknowns in this problem, so there is no higher method

In a division formula, quotient 7 is more than 2, and the sum of divisor, divisor, quotient and remainder is 571

Hello, 178215215
492÷70=7…… two
A: the divisor is 492; the divisor is 70
Is that so? Good luck. Goodbye

In a division equation, the sum of divisor, divisor, quotient and remainder is 9. If the divisor and divisor are expanded 100 times, then the quotient is more than 20, and the divisor in the original formula is ()
A. 0.2B. 0.4C. 0.6D. 0.8

Suppose the original divisor is x, then the divisor is (5x + 0.2), from the meaning of the question: 5x + 0.2 + X + 5 + 0.2 = 9 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 6x + 5.4 = 9 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 0.6 answer: the divisor is 0.6, so choose: C

In a division formula, the sum of divisor, divisor, quotient and remainder is 77, quotient is 3, remainder is 11, what are the divisor and divisor?

Divisor + divisor + quotient + remainder = 77
Divisor / divisor = 3... 11
Divisor = divisor × 3 + 11
Divisor + divisor + quotient + remainder = divisor × 3 + 11 + divisor + 3 + 11
=Divisor × 4 + 25 = 77
(77-25) △ 4 = 13. Divisor
13 × 3 + 11 = 50

In the division formula () △ 36 = 12 In (), the maximum remainder is (), and the divisor is ()

Remainder: 35
Divisor: 12 * 36 + 35 = 467