There is a way to calculate the number, which is always 520.1314. What's that formula!

There is a way to calculate the number, which is always 520.1314. What's that formula!

Let the number you think of be X
So no matter what x is, the result is 520.1314

English translation
1795, 150, 31315 what do these numbers translate into

You want me, you want my reputation, you want me all your life

What does (1314 + 520) * 10 mean

If the divisor in the division formula is divided by 12 and the divisor is divided by 36, then the quotient should be ()

Divisor / divisor = quotient
(divisor / 12) / (divisor / 36) = divisor / divisor * (36 / 12) = 3 quotient

In the division formula () △ 36 = 12. (), the maximum remainder is (), and the divisor is ()

In the division formula (443) △ 36 = 12. (11), the maximum remainder is (11), and the divisor is (443)

In a division formula where the divisor is one digit and the remainder is 6, the divisor, divisor, quotient and remainder are added to get 2001. What is the divisor

The remainder is 6, divisor is one digit, divisor can be 7, 8, 9
Divisor + divisor + quotient + 6 = 2001
Divisor + divisor + quotient = 1995
When divisor = 7, 7 * quotient + 6 + quotient + 7 = 1995, 8 * quotient = 1982, quotient is not integer, rounding off
When divisor = 8, 8 * quotient + 6 + quotient + 8 = 1995, 9 * quotient = 1981, quotient is not an integer and is rounded off
When divisor = 9, 9 * quotient + 6 + quotient + 9 = 1995, 10 * quotient = 1980, quotient = 198
Divisor = 9 * 198 + 6 = 1788
The divisor is 1788

In a division formula, the sum of divisor, divisor, quotient and remainder is 517, quotient and remainder are 9, divisor is (), divisor is ()
Be accurate

Divisor + divisor = 517-9-9 = 499
Divisor = (499-9) / (9 + 1) = 49
Divisor = 49 × 9 + 9 = 450

In a division formula, the sum of the divisor, divisor, quotient and remainder is 317, both quotient and remainder are 9, divisor (), divisor ()

Divisor = 9 * divisor + 9
Divisor + divisor + 9 + 9 = 317
Divisor = 270
Divisor = 29

If a natural number is divided by 187 and 52 by 188, what is the remainder of the natural number divided by 22______ .

The natural number 52 = 22 × 2 + 8 is divided by 22 to make 8 8. So the answer is 8

If a natural number is divided by 187 and 52 by 188, what is the remainder of the natural number divided by 22______ .

The natural number 52 = 22 × 2 + 8 is divided by 22 to make 8 8. So the answer is 8