In a divisible division, the sum of the divisor plus the product of divisor and quotient is 36.9. What is the divisor in this formula?

In a divisible division, the sum of the divisor plus the product of divisor and quotient is 36.9. What is the divisor in this formula?

Divisor = 36.9/2 = 18.45

In an exhaustive division formula, the sum of the divisor plus the product of divisor and quotient is 36.9. What is the divisor in this formula?

In the divisible formula, the product of divisor and quotient = the divisor
2 times divisor = 36.9
Divisor = 18.45

In a division formula, the divisor remains the same, the divisor multiplies 4, the quotient (); if the divisor remains the same, the divisor divides by 4, the quotient ()

In a division formula, the divisor does not change, the divisor multiplies 4, the quotient (divided by 4); if the divisor does not change, the divisor divides 4, the quotient (divided by 4)

In a division formula, if the divisor is reduced by 5 times, the divisor should be used to keep the quotient constant______ In a multiplication formula, if one factor is expanded by four times to keep the product constant, then the other factor should______ .

In a division formula, if the divisor is reduced by 5 times to keep the quotient constant, the divisor should be reduced by 5 times. In a multiplication formula, if one factor is expanded by 4 times to keep the product constant, the other factor should be reduced by 4 times