In the division formula 357 / 7, the divisor is increased by (), 3Q

In the division formula 357 / 7, the divisor is increased by (), 3Q


The quotient of a division formula is 146 and the remainder is 35. When the divisor takes the minimum value, what is the divisor

Mother weasel 123,
The remainder is 35 and the smallest divisor is:
The divisor is:

In a division formula, if the divisor is divided by 5, the divisor is also divided by 5, quotient ()

In a division formula, if the divisor is divided by 5, the divisor is also divided by 5

In the division formula, the divisor does not change, the divisor multiplies (or divides) several, the quotient must be?

In the division formula, the divisor does not change, the divisor multiplies (or divides) several, the quotient must divide (or multiplies) several