A number divided by 7 is more than 2, divided by 5 is also more than 2, find the minimum value of this number

A number divided by 7 is more than 2, divided by 5 is also more than 2, find the minimum value of this number

If you subtract 2 from this number, you can divide it by 7 and 5 at the same time
The least common multiple of 7 and 5 is 35
The minimum number is 35 + 2 = 37

What is 25 divided by 6 expressed as a fraction

25 △ 6 = 4 and 1 / 6

Divide 1 and 97 out of 100 by 2


How to divide an integer by a fraction?

Divide a fraction by an integer with the same denominator, and divide a numerator by an integer
Dividing an integer by a fraction is multiplying by the reciprocal of the fraction
That is, an integer divided by the numerator of a fraction and multiplied by the denominator
Reciprocal: for example, the reciprocal of four fifths is five fourths, which is to exchange the position of numerator and denominator