What is 8 divided by 7 with a fraction

What is 8 divided by 7 with a fraction

One and one in seven

05 × 236 × 59 -------- 119 simple calculation

0.5×236×59 -119

5 times 236 times 59 / 119 (easy to calculate)

5 times 236 times 59 / 119
=1 / 2 by 236 by 59 / 119
=118 times 59 / 119
=(119 minus 1) times 59 / 119
=119 times 59 / 119 minus 59 / 119
=59 minus 59 / 119
=58 and 60 / 119

Simple operation of 9.9 + 19.9 + 119.9 + 0.3
