() is 1000 times of 0.17, 3 hours 45 minutes = () when a non-zero number is divided by 0.1, it is equivalent to this number multiplied by ()

() is 1000 times of 0.17, 3 hours 45 minutes = () when a non-zero number is divided by 0.1, it is equivalent to this number multiplied by ()

(170) is 1000 times of 0.17
3 hours 45 minutes = (3.75) hours
A nonzero number divided by 0.1 is equal to the number multiplied by (10)

1:1:2.5, the former and the latter divided by 0.35, what is the ratio?
Come on, now. It's due tomorrow

The ratio is 1 / 2

5 / 4: 2.5, if the latter is multiplied by 4, to keep the ratio unchanged, the former should become (); if both the former and the latter are divided by 0.35, the ratio is(

5 / 4: 2.5, if the latter is multiplied by 4, to make the ratio unchanged, the former should be (5); if both the former and the latter are divided by 0.35, the ratio is (unchanged = 1 / 2 = 0.5)

4.5:6 = (:) [simplest ratio] = (-) [ratio] 0.6 = (:) = () divided by () = (-)

0.6 = (3:5) = (3) divided by (5) = (3 / 5)