What is 30 ° 12'8 ″ - 18 ° 40'12 ″

What is 30 ° 12'8 ″ - 18 ° 40'12 ″


What is 18 ° 30 'equal to

One degree equals sixty minutes. 30 minutes is 0.5 degrees. So 18 ° 30 is 18.5 degrees

How can we make a sum of 1000 with five such numbers only using the number 8
How can we make a sum of 1000 with five such numbers only using the number 8


Five brackets add up to 1000. The numbers in brackets are all made up of 8


123456789 uses nine digits to fill in nine boxes. The sum of three numbers on the horizontal, vertical and oblique lines equals 15

This is called magic square

How to put 1 to 15 into 15 boxes, every four boxes add up to 30, a number can only be used once

How are the 15 boxes arranged?
The sum of four boxes is equal to 30. Are they four consecutive boxes or square boxes?
Draw the box!

What is the sum of a quarter and a twelfth multiplied by a number equal to one in forty-two?

One quarter plus one twelfth is one third
One third multiplied by one fourteenth is one forty-two
This number is 1 / 14

Multiplying a number by 1 / 3 is equal to reducing the number to 1 / 3 of the original number


How much is 2 times 3 times 4 plus 4 times 6 times 8 plus 200 times 300 times 400

2 times 3 times 4 plus 4 times 6 times 8 plus 200 times 300 times 400
=24× (1+100)×100÷2

How much is 35 times% 300?