The square of a number is equal to itself?

The square of a number is equal to itself?

Let the number be a
So a = 0, a = 1

The square of a number is equal to itself?


What is the number of squares equal to itself?
The number of square equals itself is (), and the number of cube equals itself is ()
Given that n is a positive integer, then (- 1) & sup2; nth power = (), (- 1) & sup2; N + & sup1; = ()

1 1

What is the number of squares equal to itself?
Others say that the square number is equal to their own number, there are 3 0 + 1 - 1.. what are the numbers!

In fact, there are only two, 0 and 1, - 1 is not, and the square of - 1 is 1
You can set this number to X
Then x ^ 2 = x
So x (x-1) = 0
So x = 0 or x = 1

It is known that the equation x2 + 2 (m-2) x + M2 + 4 = 0 has two real roots (X2 is the second power of X, M2 is the same), and the sum of the squares of the two real roots is 20 greater than the product of the two real roots

If X1 and X2 are the roots of the equation, then
The equation has two real roots, and (4-2m) ^ 2-4 * (m ^ 2 + 4) > 0
The sum of the squares of the two real roots is 20 times larger than the product of the two real roots
X1 ^ 2 + x2 ^ 2-x1 * x2 = 20, that is, (x1 + x2) ^ 2-3 (x1 * x2) = 20
The result can be obtained by substituting it and then combining it

Thinking of solving mathematics questions in Junior Three

Buy a set of high school entrance examination mathematics papers, do 3 every day (if you have enough time, arrange by yourself) finished, 1 sum up the knowledge points of the topic, 2 wrong questions with a loose leaf book to sort out, write the wrong reasons, we must understand the summary. This can review ah. Make up for the knowledge loopholes. Very good

1. Given that a: B = C: D (B ± D ≠ 0), we prove that a + C: a-c = B + D: b-d
2. If a: B = 3:2 and B is the middle of the ratio of a and C, then B: C is obtained
3. If 3x: (2x + 5) = (3x -- 2): (2x + 2), find X

If a: B = C: D, then ad = BC, replace all a and C in a + C: a-c with B and D, and then calculate the identity
2. In this paper, we make the product 2A = 3b, B is the middle term of a and C, which means B ^ 2 = AC
By substituting a = 3B / 2 into B ^ 2 = AC, B ^ 2 = 3B C / 2 can be reduced to B: C = 3:2
3. It should be very simple. You can try it yourself

Compare the number of two groups
Compare the size of √ 6 + 2 / 4 and 2 √ 2 - √ 6

Comparison: (radical 6 + 4) / 2 and 2-radical 2-radical 6
Just compare: radical 6 + 4 and 4 radical 2-2 radical 6
Just compare: 3-root 6 + 4 and 4-root 2
Obviously 54 > 32
So 3 root number 6 > 4 root number 2
So 3 root 6 + 4 > 4 root 2
So root 6 + 4 > 4 root 2-2 root 6
So (radical 6 + 4) / 2 is greater than 2 radical 2-radical 6

The answer is + 1 and - 1, I think there is still 0

If the cube root of the number is x, then the number is x ^ 3,
X = 0, or x = - 1, or x = 1
A: the number that the cube root equals itself is 1, - 1, and 0. You feel right

For example, what is the remainder? What is the physical number? What other numbers?

I can only say that 5 divided by 2 equals 2 to 1, then 1 is the remainder
As for physical number, it's not physical number, but irrational number. That is, like pi value, the decimal that doesn't want to cycle and can't be written as a fraction is irrational number, such as root 2, root 3 and so on. Rational number is the natural number except irrational number, such as 1, 2, 3, 0, - 1, - 2 and so on. There are 1 / 3, 3.333333 and so on