12 + 15 = 27,25-7 = 18,33 * 3 = 99,81 divided by 9 = 9,9 + 6-5 = 10,4 * 6 + 16 = 40, a smart girl

12 + 15 = 27,25-7 = 18,33 * 3 = 99,81 divided by 9 = 9,9 + 6-5 = 10,4 * 6 + 16 = 40, a smart girl

Two plus fifth equals to twenty seven seven 12 + 15 = 27 twenty five minus seven equals to eight 25-7 = 18 thirty three times three equals to nine nine nine 33 * 3 = 99 eight one divided nine equals to nine 81

15 16 25 9 81 () answer 36 39 49 54 which one to choose?
Don't just give answers
Also explain how to solve the problem

Answer 36
16: Square of 4
25:5 square
9: The square of 3
81:9 square
15 is 5 times 3 / / / / / / then 4 times 9 gives the last number 36

Excuse me: 15 16 25 9 81 () a.36 b.39 c.49 d.54
15 16 25 9 81 ()A.36 B.39 C.49 D.54

16 = (5-1) ^ 225 = (6-1) ^ 29 = (5-2) ^ 281 = (9-0) ^ 2? = (8-1) ^ 2 = 49 choose C

35×27 33×36 21×44 42×26
35×27 33×36 21×44 42×26 ( )


(- 1700000) divided by (- 16) divided by (- 25) divided by 25 process

(- 1700000) divided by (- 16) divided by (- 25) divided by 25
Have a good time

How to calculate 39 × 57 + 39 × 44-39?
To be right,
