Supplementary exercises of primary school mathematics published by Jiangsu Education Press

Supplementary exercises of primary school mathematics published by Jiangsu Education Press

Big barrel 32 divided by 2 = 16cm, 3.14 × 16 & # 178; × 40 × 6 = 19291.6cm & # 179; 3.14 divided by 4 × 3 = 24cm, 24 divided by 2 = 12cm; small barrel: 3.14 × 12 & # 178; × 40 × 8 = 144691.2cm & # 179;

Supplementary exercises of mathematics of Jiangsu Education Press, page 39, question 17
How to write it is the long title of Mn
I can't draw,

Write down the title

How to do the second question on the 22nd page of the sixth grade?

(16 / 2) * (16 / 2) * 3.14 * 35 * 10 = 70336 M3
Just right. I'm working on a page today

Mathematics supplementary exercises page 24 question 3

=400 (cubic of M)

Supplementary exercises of mathematics published by Jiangsu Education Press
P13, question 6
P14, question 6
P15, question 13
P16, questions 15 and 16
P10, question 7

What grade
How can I sue you if you don't sue me

How to solve problem 4 on page 72 of Volume 1 of grade 6

4. There are x production desks
56-24 = 32 (person)
Answer: 24 people produce desk, 32 people produce square stool

1. (1): the seedling rate of ordinary cucumber is only 35%, while 20 seeds of space cucumber can grow seedlings. How high is the seedling rate of space cucumber?
(2) : the average weight of common green pepper is 100g, and the average weight of space green pepper is 70g?
2. This year's tree planting day, Yuying primary school planted 95 trees, Cisco 5 trees, and later replanted 5 trees, all survived. What's the survival rate of Yuying primary school this year?
3. The turnover of a restaurant in August was 800000 yuan, which was 15% higher than that in August. According to the business tax rate of 5%, how much more business tax should this restaurant pay in September than that in August?
4. In a home appliance store, the original price of an air conditioner was 2400 yuan, with a 15% discount. Later, due to the hot weather, the price was increased by 20%. Is the price of this kind of air conditioner higher or lower than the original price?
5. The toy store sells two electric toys at the same time, and the unit price of each toy is 120 yuan. One of them can earn 25%, while the other has to lose 20%. Is it a profit or a loss to sell the two electric toys at the same time? If it is a profit, how much can it earn? If it is a loss, how much should it lose?

1. (1) 15 / 20 = 75% (2) 70 / 100 = 70% 2.95 / 5 = 95% 3.800000 × (15% + 1) × 5% - 800000 × 5% = 46000-40000 = 6000 (yuan) 4.2400 × 85% × (1 + 20%) = 2448 (yuan) 2448 yuan > 2400 yuan a: now the price of this kind of air conditioner is 5.120 ^

Zhejiang Province sixth grade first volume mathematics classroom assignment book page 34 question 4!
The diameter of a $1 coin is 25 mm. There is a circle of 1 mm wide side. What is the area of this circle of side? (first look at the $1 coin, then think about how to calculate it, and then calculate it.)

The radius of this circle is 25 divided by 2 minus 1 = 11.5mm, the area is 11.5 times 11.5 times 3.14 = 415.265 square mm
The area of this circle is 415.265 square millimeters
Oh, I'm tired of typing. Choose me

Let the remainder of the polynomial f (x) divided by (x-1) (X-2) (x-3) be 2x ^ 2 + X-7, then the remainder of F (x) divided by (x-1) (X-2) and f (x) divided by (X-2) (x-3)

F (x) = g (x) (x-1) (X-2) (x-3) + 2x ^ 2 + X-7, so even if 2x ^ 2 + X-7 is the complement of (x-1) (X-2) and (X-2) (x-3), it will be OK

The polynomials f (x) divided by (x-1) ^ 2, (x + 2) ^ 2 are 3x + 2 and 5x-3 respectively. Then the remainder of F (x) divided by (x-1) ^ 2 (x + 2) ^ 2 is?
The answer is like this, but I can't understand f (x) = (x-1) ^ 2 (x + 2) ^ 2q (x) + (x-1) ^ 2 (MX + n) + 3x + 2 F (x) = (x-1) ^ 2 (x + 2) ^ 2q (x) + (x + 2) ^ 2 (MX + T) + 5x-3. I don't understand the reason, basis, and reason for setting N and t

Let f (x) = (x-1) ^ 2 (x + 2) ^ 2g (x) + R (x), then the remainder R (x) is less than 4 times, f (x) divided by (x-1) ^ 2, (x + 2) ^ 2, the remainder are 3x + 2,5x-3 respectively, the remainder R (x) is at most 3 times, the quotient of dividing by quadratic is 1 times, because the 3 times term of R (x) is determined, the 2 times term of two divisors are x ^ 2, so the 1 times term of quotient