[28 + 99 * 28] calculated by simple algorithm

[28 + 99 * 28] calculated by simple algorithm

Your topic is 28 * (1 + 99) = 2800, please adopt it!

759-28 × 18 + 198 △ 22 simple operation

Original formula = 759 - (28 × 20-28 × 2) + 198 △ 2 △ 11

What is the quotient of 10 times the difference between 840 and 40 divided by the sum of 73.6 and 6.4
Come on, ten seconds


Is the quotient of 258 divided by 3 correct?

What does a certain number mean

What is the quotient of the difference between 870 and 840 minus the sum of 1530 and 840?

(1530 + 840) / (870-840) = 2370 / 30 = 79 A: the quotient is 79

The number B is 258 smaller than the number a. the quotient of the number a divided by the number B is 17 plus 2. How much is the number a and the number B
Come on

The second number is:
The number of a is: 258 + 16 = 274

How to express the simple method of 25 times 44 by formula
25 times 44 equals bracket 25 times 40 bracket plus 25 times 4

25 times 44 equals brackets 25 times 40 brackets plus 25 times 4
It's a formula

How to calculate 25 times 398 in a simple way


If a of 10 is equal to 20 and B of 10 is equal to negative 1 of 5, then a of 3 is divided by B of 3

So A-B = 2
A times of 3 divided by B times of 3 = 3 ^ (a-b) = 9

What is 1 divided by minus 3.5
1 divided by minus 3.55 is multiplied by 2
