What is the quotient of a divided by 0.001

What is the quotient of a divided by 0.001

The solution is a △ 0.001

If a (a ≠ 0) is divided by 0.001, the quotient is ()
A. aB. 1000aC. 0.001a

A ≠ 0, a / 0.001, = (a × 1000) / (0.001 × 1000), = 1000A / 1, = 1000A

One 0.01 equals 10______ There's one in it______ 001

10 × 0.001 = 0.011 △ 0.001 = 1000, so the answer is: 0.0011000

How many seconds is 0.001 hours?
0.01 hours?
0.1 hours?

three hundred and sixty

0.1 division (- 0.001) division (- 1) process

0.1 division (- 0.001) division (- 1)

0.001 seconds equals hours
I'm very grateful to those who know


Is it right to say 0 divided by any number?
Today's final examination question: judgment question: 0 divided by any number will get 0, is that ok? Can 0 be divided by any number? (no, oh, can't be divided by 0) then I want to ask, 0 divided by any number will get 0, is this itself wrong? Can't you ask like this!

Is it wrong to divide zero by any number?
Don't you already say that? It's wrong
Because the denominator (i.e. "divisor") cannot be 0
Why? Let's take an example: 2 * 3 = 6, so 6 / 2 = 3, which is also written as follows:
0 * 2 = 0, so 0 / 0 = 2
0 * 3 = 0, so 0 / 0 = 3
0 * (- 5) = 0, so 0 / 0 = - 5
Therefore, we [stipulate]: 0 cannot be divisor

If you divide zero by any number, you get zero, right


Divide zero by any number to get zero______ (judge right or wrong)

0 is not divisor. If 0 is divided by a number other than 0, it will get 0. Therefore, if 0 is divided by any number, it will get 0

If you divide 0 by any percentage, you get 0

For rational numbers other than 0, 0 cannot be the denominator