How many meters is 5 meters and 3 decimeters? 3.8 meters = () meters () decimeters

How many meters is 5 meters and 3 decimeters? 3.8 meters = () meters () decimeters

Five meters and three decimeters are equal to five and three meters
3.8 m = (3) m (8) decimeter

How many square meters is 5 out of 8?


How many decimeters is 30 cm?

Ten centimeters is one decimeter
So 30 centimeters is three decimeters

How many meters is 8 decimeters and 7 centimeters?

8 decimeters = 0.8 meters, 7 centimeters = 0.07 meters, so the answer is 0.87 meters,

How many meters is 30 decimeters


After sawing the 10 meter long square wood into three equal sections, the surface increases by 8.4 square decimeters. What is the volume of this square wood?

10 meters = 100 decimeters
=210 cubic decimeters
A: the volume of this square is 210 cubic decimeters

7 / 10 meter = () decimeter 3 / 8 liter = () milliliter 3 / 2 ton = () hectare 13 / 20 square kilometer = () hectare


How much more is 10 meters than 8 meters


10 meters is 8 meters

5 / 4
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How many centimeters is eight inches

8 inches ≈ 20.32 cm
8 inches ≈ 0.2032 meters ≈ 2.032 decimeters ≈ 20.32 cm ≈ 203.2 mm ≈ 203200 microns
You can check Baidu keyword weights and measures