Finding A-B / A + B when 5A = 4b is known

Finding A-B / A + B when 5A = 4b is known

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Given 5A = 4b, find: (a-b) / B; (a + b) / B; (a-b) / (a + b); (a-b) / (a + b) and;

5A = 4B can be set

5A = 4b, then a ratio B = () ratio ()

5A = 4b, then a ratio B = (4) ratio (5)

46 30 25 23 20 17 13 11 8 6 5 multiplied by how many are equal to the same number, and the numbers multiplied by them add up to the same number

It must be 0, like the real problem, you should first think about some special numbers, such as 0 1 - 1, this problem is 0

It is known that a times three quarters equals four fifths, B equals c times five sixths, and ABC is not zero

3C of 4

It is known that a times three fourths equals B times four fifths equals c times five sixths, ABC is not equal to 0, and ABC is arranged from small to large


It is known that a * four fifths = seven sixths * b = 4 * C, and ABC is not equal to zero

The calculation formula is as follows
So a > b > C

It is known that a is not equal to 0, and three fourths of a * is equal to B / two fifths is equal to one third of C *. The three numbers of a, B and C, () is the largest and () is the smallest?

C max a min let a be 540, then B is 450 and a is 240, provided that a, B and C are all positive numbers
Negative numbers are the reverse, C: - 540, B: - 450, a: - 240 is the maximum of a and the minimum of C

It is known that a times three fourths = B times four fifths = C times five sixths, where a, B and C are not zero. Arrange a, B and C in the order from small to large
get up


A × 5 / 6 = B × 3 / 2 = C × 4 / 5 = D × 3 / 8 ABCD is not zero. Please arrange the four numbers of ABCD in order from big to small

It can be concluded from the known conditions
Therefore, the order of their size is d > C > a > B