Simple calculation of 14.56 × 0.1 + 0.5 × 145.6 + 0.049 × 1456

Simple calculation of 14.56 × 0.1 + 0.5 × 145.6 + 0.049 × 1456


-Simple calculation of 4.56 * 0.75 + 6.56 * 0.75-0.3 * 7.5



The calculator can't be knocked out~
forty-three trillion and three hundred and thirty-five billion four hundred and forty-four million four hundred and forty-four thousand eight hundred and seven

9000 / 72 skillful calculation



If you don't understand this question, you can ask,

Simple calculation of 31 × 98 of 97

31 / 97 × 98
=31 and 31 / 97

197 * (97 / 98) + (1 / 98) simple calculation


15 / 12 = 5 / () = 8 divided by () = 35 / () = () / 60 = ()
The fourth question of P60

15 / 12 = 5 / (4) = 8 divided by (10) = 35 / (28) = (75) / 60 = (0.8)

6 divided by 5 / 12
In ten minutes,

6 divided by 5 / 12
= 3 / 5 × 12 / 5
= 36 out of 25
= 1 and 11 out of 25

The sum of a and B numbers is 594. The number on the digit of a number is 0. The quotient of a number divided by 10 is equal to that of B number
The sum of a and B is 594. The number in a is 0. The quotient of a divided by 10 is equal to that of B. then what are the two numbers?

A 540, B 54