How to divide 5400 by 72

How to divide 5400 by 72

How to divide 5400 by 72
= 150x 36 / 2x 36
= 150 / 2
= 75

How to calculate 3100 divided by 25 and 5400 divided by 72?


A simple and convenient method of 399 △ (399 + 399 | 400)


If the number a is divided by the number B, the quotient is 25 and the remainder is 4. If the number a is expanded by 10 times, the quotient is? And the remainder is?

Let a = x, B = y
X = 25y + 4
So a is 10 times larger than 10 (25y + 4)
B expanded 10 times to 10Y
So if you divide two numbers by one, you will have 10 of the numerator and denominator removed

A, B two numbers, a number divided by B number quotient 2 more than 17, B number 10 times divided by a number quotient 3 more than 45

Let B be x, then a is 2x + 1710 x = 3 (2x + 17) + 4510 x = 6x + 51 + 45 & nbsp; 4x = 96 & nbsp; X = 242x + 17 = 2 × 24 + 17 = 65

The quotient of a divided by B is 0.2, and the simplest integer ratio of a and B is ()
A. 0.2:1B. 5:1C. 2:10D. 1:5

Number a △ number b = 0.2 = 15, take number B as 5 parts, number a is 1 part, then: number A: number b = 1 part: 5 parts = 1:5; so the answer is: D

The quotient of number a divided by number B is 0.4, and the simplest integer ratio of number a to number B is______ .

Number a △ number b = number A: number B, = 0.4, = 25, = 2:5; so the answer is: 2:5

The quotient of a divided by B is 4.8, and the simplest integer ratio of a and B is ()
The point in the middle of 4.8 is the decimal point. Sit alone at 4.8, remember,


The quotient of a divided by B is 1.8, and the simplest integer ratio of a and B is ()?

The quotient of a divided by B is 1.8, and the simplest integer ratio of a and B is (5:9)
I hope my answer can help you

If the quotient of a divided by B is 8, what is the simplest integer ratio of a and B?

Number a △ number b = 8
Number A: number b = 8:1