English at 8:09, 12:15, 4:40 and 2:55

English at 8:09, 12:15, 4:40 and 2:55

nine past eight,a quarter past twelve,twenty to five,five to three

What's the sum of 4.8 divided by 2.4 and multiplied by 4.6 and 8.2? 4 / 7 of a number is 7 more than 3 / 2 of 14, which is the reason
What's the reciprocal of a number? The product of 76 and 0.5 is 4 times more than 6, what's 30% of this number? What's half more than 460? 54? Please give the answer quickly, as long as it's correct, adopt it immediately! Note: write down the formula and answer

1. 4.8% 2.4 * (4.6 + 8.2) = 25.62, X * 4 / 7-14 * 3 / 2 = 7, x = 49, the reciprocal is 1 / 49
3、76*0.5-4X=6 X=8 8*0.3=2.4 4、X*0.5-460=54 X=1028

How easy is 3600 / 25 / 8


The meaning of decimal multiplication is the same as that of integer multiplication______ (judge right or wrong)

Decimal multiplied by integer: the same meaning as integer multiplication, which is a simple operation to find the sum of several identical addends. For example, 2.5 × 6 represents the number of 6 2.5 or the number of 6 times of 2.5. The meaning of a number multiplied by decimal: different from that of integer multiplication, it is a further extension of the meaning of integer multiplication