X divided by 15 / 4 = 8

X divided by 15 / 4 = 8


When x = 8, find the value of the following formula. X-4, 4x, X divided by 4. When a = 10, B = 0.6, find the value of the following formula 2A + B (a-0.4) divided by B
What are the two integers adjacent to the natural number a? They are expressed in a formula containing letters
A two digit, one digit and ten digit numbers are a and B, respectively

x-4=4 4*8=32 2a+b=20.6 (a-0.4)/b=16

How much is the sum of 44 2.3 divided by 12.2

(44 × 2.3) △ 12.2 = x (self calculation)

Divide 4 / 3 * 1 / 2 = 2 / 3,8 by 2 / 3 = 12,12 * 1 / 4 = 3 to form a comprehensive formula
