How does a fraction divided by a fraction work

How does a fraction divided by a fraction work

How to calculate a fraction divided by a fraction is actually the calculation method of a number divided by a fraction: a number divided by a fraction is equal to the number multiplied by the reciprocal of the fraction. It becomes fractional multiplication. Note: those who can reduce the fraction must reduce the fraction, and the result must be the simplest fraction
Example: 2 / 3 △ 5 / 12 = 2 / 3 × 12 / 5 = 8 / 5

What is a fraction divided by a fraction

Dividing B of fraction a by D of fraction C is equivalent to multiplying the divisor by (the reciprocal of the divisor)
That is: B of a divided by D of C = B of a multiplied by C of D
For example: (2 / 5) divided by (2 / 3) = (2 / 5) multiplied by (3 / 2) = 3 / 5 (the numerator denominator is about 2)
(in the above formula, the reciprocal of 2 / 3 is 3 / 2, and division and multiplication are inverse operations, so one number divided by another is equivalent to one number multiplied by the reciprocal of another number.)

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