What does 25 divided by 5 / 7 mean

What does 25 divided by 5 / 7 mean

How many 5 / 7S are there in 25

(2 / 5 minus 2 / 5 divided by 2) times 5 / 6
Write the formula


8 √ 3 divided by 4

3/4÷0.8 = 0.75÷0.8 = 75/80 = 15/16
3/4÷0.8 = 3/4÷(4/5)=(3/4)×(5/4)= 15 / 16
3/4÷0.8 = 3÷(4×0.8)= 3÷3.2 = 15/16

What is the meaning of 4 divided by 7 / 8 and 7 / 8 divided by 4

4 divided by 7 / 8 means that the product of two factors is known to be 4, one of which is 7 / 8, and the other is how many
The meaning of dividing 7 / 8 by 4 is to divide 7 / 8 into 4 parts on average. How much is one part