What's the product of 3 / 4 times 1 / 2 divided by 5 / 8? What's 80% of a number 1.1 more than 4.5

What's the product of 3 / 4 times 1 / 2 divided by 5 / 8? What's 80% of a number 1.1 more than 4.5

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If the quotient of the least common multiple of two numbers divided by their greatest common factor is 12, and if the difference between the two numbers is 18, how about these two numbers?

The quotient of the least common multiple of two numbers divided by their greatest common factor is 12
If the product of these two numbers is 12, there are two cases: 12 = 3x4 and 12 = 12x1
Let their greatest common factor be a
When 12 = 3x4,
4a-3a = 18 leads to a = 18, so the two numbers are 72 and 54
When 12 = 12x1
12a-a = 18 A has no integer value, so it's not right