What's the math problem of "finding the law"

What's the math problem of "finding the law"

(1) 0,3,8,15,24,..., then what is its number 2002?
(2) Take any four numbers a, B, C, D in a rectangle in the calendar, such as 4, 5, 11, 12. Please use an equation to express the relationship between a, B, C, D
This question is divided into single item and double item!
1. Items 3 and 5 decrease with 2, items 2, 4 and 6 increase with 2
Observe the following equation:
Let n (n is greater than or equal to 1) denote a natural number. Let n denote the law as ()
2. Xiaohong from a to B, at the speed of 2 meters per minute, she first forward 1 meter, then backward 2 meters, then forward 3 meters, then backward 4 meters According to this rule, one hour later, she is () meters away from the ground
3. The two electric toy cars a and B run from both ends of the track at the same time. Car a runs 5 cm per second, car B runs 1 cm in the first second, 2 cm in the second second, and 3 cm in the third In this way, when the two cars meet, they travel the same distance. Then the track length is () cm
4. The surface area of the first figure is 6 square units, the surface area of the second figure is 18 square units, and the surface area of the third figure is 36 square units. According to this rule, the surface area of the fifth figure is () square units

5 2 25
4 3
3 4 81
2 5 32

The way to solve this problem, 1; is it multiple
2. Is it a ratio
3. Is it the power of the number
4. Whether it is the sum of the two numbers multiplied by the product of the two numbers

It's a math problem to find the law,
Find the numbers of a, t, u, s in the following formula
Stua plus utst equals ttutt

Because the sum of two numbers can only be within 20, so
Because a + T = t, so
U + S = 11, t + T = 2 plus 1 of the previous digit, so