How to calculate 3.2 times 0.25 times 12.5,

How to calculate 3.2 times 0.25 times 12.5,


How much is 2008 multiplied by 2006 of 2007? Find the simplest column (remember, I want column) and integer (the answer is integer)

=2006 and 2006 / 2007

-48, - 47,..., 2006. What are the sum of the first 99.100 consecutive integers?

Count the first 50 to zero, then 49 to 49
So the sum of the first 99 numbers is 0
The sum of the first 100 numbers is 50

What is the sum of the first 99 consecutive integers in the string of negative 49, negative 48, negative 47.., 2003

The first 49 are offset by the last 49. There is a 0 in the middle and the result is 0