How much does it equal to 1 / 1999 + 2 / 1999, which has been added to 1998 / 1999?

How much does it equal to 1 / 1999 + 2 / 1999, which has been added to 1998 / 1999?

1 / 1999 + 2 / 1999. Up to 1998 / 1999

What is 1 + 2 + 3. + 1998 + 1999 + 1998 +. + 3 + 2 + 1

The number is 3998001

What is 1.2 * 99 + 1.2 * 98?


Known (2000-a) (1998-a) = 1999, ask (2000-a) &# 178; + (1998-a) &# 178; =? That person with a high degree must help me

(2000-A)²+(1998-A)²=(2000-A)²+(1998-A)²-2(2000-A) (1998-A)+2(2000-A) (1998-A)=[(2000-A)-(1998-A)] ²+ 2(2000-A) (1998-A)=4+2*1999=4+2*(2000-1)=4000-2+4=4002...