How much is 202 & # 178; + 198 & # 178;? It's better to write in detail

How much is 202 & # 178; + 198 & # 178;? It's better to write in detail

202 & # 178; + 198 & # 178; need to use square sum formula and square difference formula 202 & # 178; + 198 & # 178; = 202 & # 178; + 2 × 202 × 198 + 198 & # 178; - 2 × 202 × 198 = (202 + 198) &# 178; - 2 × (200 + 2) × (200-2) = 400 & # 178; - 2 × (200 & # 178; - 4) = (2 × 200) &# 17

Simple calculation with fraction: 201 & # 178; + 198 & # 178; - 99 & # 178; - 301 & # 178; + 199 & # 178; - 202 & # 178;

201^2+198^2-99^2-301^2+199^2-202^2=(201^2-99^2) +(198^2-202^2) +(199^2-301^2)=(201+99)(201-99)+ (198-202)(198+202)+(199-301)(199+301)=300x102- 400x4 - 500x102= -200x102-400x4=-200(102+8)=-22000