Let all the positive roots of the equation x + TaNx = 0 be arranged in the order from small to large as A1, A2,..., an,..., respectively;

Let all the positive roots of the equation x + TaNx = 0 be arranged in the order from small to large as A1, A2,..., an,..., respectively;

It is known that the image of function y = TaNx is periodically distributed in the interval (π / 2 + n π, 3 π + n π) (n ∈ integer), and at the point x = π / 2 + n π, n ∈ integer, the image is discontinuous, and the root of equation x + TaNx = 0 is the abscissa of the intersection of function f (x) = - X and function g (x) = TaNx image

It is known that A1, A2... An are two unequal positive integers. For any positive integer n, the inequality a1 + A2 / 2 ^ 2 + A3 / 3 ^ 2 +... + an / N ^ 2 ≥ 1 + 1 / 2 +... + 1 / N is proved

By using the ordering inequality, A1 ~ an is an out of order permutation of 1 ~ n. The sum of out of order products of two sequences is equal to the sum of out of order products of two sequences

Let a (A-1) - (a 2-B) = 2, find the value of a 2 + B 22 ab

Given a √ 1-b2 + B √ 1-a2 = 1, prove A2 + B2 = 1