2∧log2 1/4+(16/9)∧-1/3+lg20-lg2

2∧log2 1/4+(16/9)∧-1/3+lg20-lg2

2 Λ log2 1 / 4 + (16 / 9) Λ - 1 / 2 + lg20-lg2 there is not ^ 1 / 3 but 1 / 2
=1/4 +(9/16)^(1/2)+lg(20÷2)

It is known that log23 = a, log35 = B, and LG2 is represented by a and B

lg2=log10 2=log3 2/log3 10
=log3 2/(log3 2+log3 5)

Let f (x) be a function defined on (0, + CO) and satisfy the relation: F (x) = f (1 / x) lgx + 1, find the analytic expression and range of the function

If f (x) = f (1 / x) lgx + 1, then f (1 / x) = 1-f (x) lgx. By substituting this formula into the original formula, we can get f (x) = (lgx + 1) / (lgx × lgx + 1)

If lgx is meaningful, then the range of function y = x2 + 3x-5 is
a. (- 29 / 4, positive infinity) [- 29 / 4, positive infinity]] [- 5, positive infinity] [- 5, positive infinity]
