In the same problem, the quantities expressed by positive numbers and negative numbers have the following properties______ The meaning of the book

In the same problem, the quantities expressed by positive numbers and negative numbers have the following properties______ The meaning of the book

∵ positive numbers and negative numbers are opposite in meaning; positive numbers and negative numbers are opposite in meaning

What's the connection and difference between positive and negative numbers? You need help urgently

Connection: in the same problem, positive and negative numbers are used to represent two opposite quantities
Differences: different symbols; different sizes;
Please add what I didn't say

Given that a is a positive number, B is a negative number, and the absolute value of a is equal to 2, the absolute value of B is equal to 3, find the value of a + B?

Because | a | = 2, | B | = 3
And because a is a positive number, B is a negative number
So a = 2, B = - 3
So a + B = - 1

If x and y are positive real numbers, 6x + 5Y = 36, then the maximum value of XY is. 2. If a and B satisfy AB = a + B + 3, then the value range of AB is

That is: ab = T ^ 2 > = 9