I and the other number are prime numbers. Our sum is 19. Who are these two numbers?

I and the other number are prime numbers. Our sum is 19. Who are these two numbers?

17 2.

The sum of squares of three different prime numbers is 390. These three prime numbers are -- -, -, -----
Please be specific,

Prime except 2 is odd, square is also odd!
Odd + odd = even
So: there is a prime number 2!
The three prime numbers are 2, 5 and 19

There are two prime numbers whose sum is an odd number less than 100 and a multiple of 17. These two prime numbers are______ 、______ .

Because the sum of two prime numbers is odd, one must be 2. There are three odd multiples of 17 less than 100, 17, 51 and 85. The difference between 17, 51 and 2 is not prime, so the other prime number is 85-2 = 83