There are two prime numbers, the sum of which is an odd number less than 100 and a multiple of 17. Find these two prime numbers

There are two prime numbers, the sum of which is an odd number less than 100 and a multiple of 17. Find these two prime numbers

They are 2 and 83. We know that prime numbers are usually odd (because even numbers can be divided by 2, they are not prime numbers). But there is a number even numbers are also prime numbers, that is 2. Now the sum of two prime numbers is an odd number, so it must be the case of "odd + even". It can be determined that the prime number of that even number is 2 (because it is an even number

There are two prime numbers whose sum is an odd number less than 100. If the sum of these two numbers is a multiple of 11, what is the minimum product of them
There are two prime numbers whose sum is an odd number less than 100. & nbsp; if the sum of these two numbers is a multiple of 11, what is the minimum product? (process)

Is an odd number less than 100
So it's an even number and an odd number
Even numbers are only two
If their sum is a multiple of 11, there is only 11 33 55 77 99 compound condition
So the sum can be 33 55 97
The minimum product is 2x31 = 62
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There are two prime numbers whose sum is an odd number less than 100. If their sum is a multiple of 11, what is the minimum product of them?

Is an odd number less than 100
So it's an even number and an odd number
Even numbers are only two
If their sum is a multiple of 11, there is only 11 33 55 77 99 compound condition
So the sum can be 33 55 97
The minimum product is 2x31 = 62

In 0, 1, 3.5, 8, 17, - 18, 25, 87, 36, 91, natural numbers have (); integers have (); even numbers have (); odd numbers have (); prime numbers have: composite numbers have ()

Natural number: 0,1,8,17,25,87,36,9
Integers: 0,1,8,17,25,87,36,9, - 18
Even numbers: 0,8, - 18,36
Odd: 1,17,25,87,91
Prime number: 1,17,87,91
Total: 8,25,36,
Natural numbers can be understood as positive integers, so prime numbers do not include negative numbers