The sum of not even numbers within 10 is______ The prime number that is not odd is______ .

The sum of not even numbers within 10 is______ The prime number that is not odd is______ .

According to the definition of prime number and composite number, even number and odd number, the composite number that is not even number within 10 is 9, and the prime number that is not odd number is 2; so the answer is: 9, 2

Among the natural numbers within 20, there are () which are both odd and composite numbers, and () which are neither even nor prime numbers

Among the natural numbers within 20, there are odd and composite numbers (9,15,) and even and prime numbers (1,9,15)

The number of tens of thousands of bits of a number is the smallest composite number, the number of hundreds is the smallest prime number, the number of bits is the smallest odd number, and the rest of you are all zeros______ Read and write______ .

This number is written as: 40201; 40201 reads as: 40201; so the answer is: 40201, 40201

For a nine digit number, the highest digit number is the smallest composite number in the odd number, the highest digit number of the ten thousand level is a multiple of 5, the number of the ten thousand level is neither prime nor composite, the number of the highest digit level is the smallest prime, and the rest of you do not have any units?

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