The thousand bits of a number are the smallest odd numbers, the ten thousand bits are the smallest composite numbers, the ten bits are the smallest prime numbers, and the other digits are zeros______ It's both______ It's a multiple of______ A multiple of

The thousand bits of a number are the smallest odd numbers, the ten thousand bits are the smallest composite numbers, the ten bits are the smallest prime numbers, and the other digits are zeros______ It's both______ It's a multiple of______ A multiple of

From the meaning of the question, we can see that this number is 41020, which is not only a multiple of 2, but also a multiple of 5. So the answer is: 41020, 2, 5

For a nine digit number, the highest digit is the smallest prime number, the ten million digit number is the smallest composite number, and the hundred digit number is the smallest odd number,
The rest of the numbers on you are all zero. This number is (), which is rewritten as the number with "ten thousand" as the unit (), and the number after omitting hundreds of millions is ()

The smallest prime = 2
The smallest sum = 2 & # 178; = 4
The smallest odd number = 1
This number is 240000100. When it is rewritten as "10000", it will be 240000100. If 100 million bits are omitted, the number after it will be 200 million