A three digit number is neither a prime nor a composite number on the hundreds, but the largest odd number on the tens, and the number is a multiple of 2 and 3. The three digit number is______ Or______ .

A three digit number is neither a prime nor a composite number on the hundreds, but the largest odd number on the tens, and the number is a multiple of 2 and 3. The three digit number is______ Or______ .

1 is neither a prime nor a composite number, that is, the number on the hundreds is 1, the largest odd number is 9, that is, the number on the tens is 9, because it is a multiple of both 2 and 3, the number on each digit must be even, and the sum of the numbers on each digit is a multiple of 3, so the three digit is 192 or 198

A four digit number is a multiple of 2 and 3. The number on the thousand digit of it is both odd and composite. The number on the hundred digit of it is neither prime nor sum. The number on the ten digit of it
It's a process!

According to the meaning of the question, the number on the thousand is 9, and the number on the hundred is 1. The last digit of the number divisible by 2 is even or 0, and the sum of the numbers divisible by 3 is a multiple of 3. The thousand digit of this four digit number is 9, and the hundred digit number is 1, so there is 9 + 1 + 0 + 2 = 12, which meets the condition, that is, the four digit number is 9102 or 9120, that is to say, its

Use the smallest prime number, the smallest odd number, the smallest composite number and 0 to form a four digit number. The maximum four digit number that can be divisible by 2 and 5 at the same time is (.), and the minimum four digit number that can only be divisible by 2 is (.)

Prime number: in all integers larger than 1, there is no other divisor except 1 and itself. This kind of integer is called prime number, and prime number is also called prime number. Composite number: the divisor of a number has other divisors besides 1 and itself, and this number is called composite number

A four digit number that can be divided by 2 and 3 at the same time, the number on the thousand digit is odd and composite, the number on the hundred digit is neither prime nor composite, and the number on the ten digit is the smallest prime. What is the number on the individual digit?