The sum of two prime numbers is 13. Find the product of this number

The sum of two prime numbers is 13. Find the product of this number

The product of two prime numbers = 11 * 2 = 22

The product of two prime numbers is 119, and the sum of these two numbers is ()

Prime numbers are 17 and 7
And 24

The sum of two prime numbers is 99. How many groups of such prime numbers are there

2 and 97
There is no other pair, because any other pair is an odd number and an even number. As long as it is an even number (except two), it is not a prime number, so there are only 2 and 97

Verify Goldbach's conjecture: prove that all positive even numbers within 2000 can be decomposed into the sum of two prime numbers

using namespace std;
int f(int);
int main()
int n,i;