Goldbach conjecture is verified in VB. All even numbers between 6 and 100 are required to be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers. The results are displayed in the list box, and the number of pairs is displayed Required output 6 = 3 + 3 8=3+5 10=3+7 10=5+5 Note that for example, 10, can be split into several pairs to show

Goldbach conjecture is verified in VB. All even numbers between 6 and 100 are required to be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers. The results are displayed in the list box, and the number of pairs is displayed Required output 6 = 3 + 3 8=3+5 10=3+7 10=5+5 Note that for example, 10, can be split into several pairs to show

What's this? I'm VB

Programming to verify Goldbach conjecture: an even number greater than or equal to six and less than or equal to one thousand can always be decomposed into the sum of two prime numbers

Just list all the equations
Int prime (int i) / / find prime
Int j, TMP = sqrt (I) + 1; / / find the square root of the factor to I + 1, reduce the number of searches
Return 1; / / 2 is a prime and returns 1