How can excel quickly classify ABCD in order of AA BB CC DD? Using Excel to sort~ For example: Data a: 123456 B:645679 C:456464 A:123455 B:668877 C:321457 . How to arrange for A: A: . B: B: . C: C: . This format. Please be more detailed

How can excel quickly classify ABCD in order of AA BB CC DD? Using Excel to sort~ For example: Data a: 123456 B:645679 C:456464 A:123455 B:668877 C:321457 . How to arrange for A: A: . B: B: . C: C: . This format. Please be more detailed

Suppose the data is like this: the data of cell A1 is: "A: 123456", A2, A3. An analogy is the data above you
You can do this:
Enter the formula in B1: = left (a1,1), and then select b1 to fill down. After filling, select column B
Ascending or descending order --- sort method: expand to the selection area (this is the key)
In this way, it can be arranged according to aabbccdd, and then you can delete the auxiliary formula of column B

As shown in the figure, the straight line L passes through a vertex a, DD '⊥ LBB' ⊥ L, CC '⊥ l of the parallelogram ABCD, the perpendicular feet are D1, B1, C1, and the metric line segments CC1, dd1, BB1, to explore the relationship between them and explain the reason

It is proved that if AC and BD are connected at point O, then Bo = OD, Ao = OC. Make oo1 perpendicular to O1
If BB1, CC1 and dd1 are perpendicular to L, then BB1, oo1, CC1 and dd1 are parallel to each other
So: b1o1 / o1d1 = Bo / OD = 1, b1o1 = o1d1;
Similarly, AO1 = o1c1
Oo1 is the median line of ⊿ acc1 and oo1 is the median line of trapezoidal b1bdd1
Then: CC1 = 2OO1; dd1 + BB1 = 2OO1
Therefore, CC1 = dd1 + BB1

The four vertices a, B, C and D of planar quadrilateral ABCD are all outside the plane a determined by parallelogram A1, B1, C1 and D1, and Aa1, BB1, CC1 and dd1 are parallel to each other

It is proved that: ∵ Aa1 ‖ CC1, A1B1 ‖ c1d1, Aa1, A1B1 ⊂ plane aa1b1b, CC1, c1d1 ⊂ plane cc1d1d1d, Aa1 ∩ A1B1 = A1, ∩ plane aa1b1b ‖ plane cc1d1d, and by plane ABCD ∩ plane aa1b1b = AB, plane ABCD ∩ plane cc1d1d1d = CD, so ab ‖ CD, the same as ad ‖ BC, so ABCD is a planar quadrilateral

It is known that e is a point on edge A1B1 of cube abcd-a1b1c1d1, and the cosine value of the angle between the out of plane straight line AE and BC1 is (3 √ 5) / 10
(1) Find the size of dihedral angle e-bc1-b1
(2) Find the angle between AE and bec1
Ask for detailed explanation

1. Connect ad ', let edge length be 1 ∵ ad' ∥ BC '∥ d'ae, which is the angle formed by AE and BC', cos ∥ d'ae = (ad '&# 178; + AE & # 178; - d'e & # 178;) / (2ad' · AE) = ad '/ 2ae = 3 √ 5 / 10ad' = √ 2 ∥ AE = √ 10 / 3a'e = 1 / 3 b'e = 2 / 3, connect b'c with BC 'in F, then BC' ⊥ b'f BC '⊥ EB' ⊥ BC '⊥ EF ⊥ E