Judge the truth of the converse proposition of "if M > 0, then equation x2 + 2x-3m = 0 has real root"

Judge the truth of the converse proposition of "if M > 0, then equation x2 + 2x-3m = 0 has real root"

∵ m > 0, ∵ 12m > 0, ∵ 12m + 4 > 0. The discriminant △ of equation x2 + 2x-3m = 0 = 12m + 4 > 0. The original proposition "if M > 0, then equation x2 + 2x-3m = 0 has real roots" is true. Because the original proposition is equivalent to its inverse no proposition, so the inverse no proposition "if M > 0, then equation x2 + 2x-3m = 0 has real roots" is also true

Let the proposition be "if M > 0, then the equation x2 + x-m = 0 about X has a real root", try to write its no proposition, inverse proposition and inverse no proposition, and judge their truth and falseness respectively

The negative proposition is "if M ≤ 0, then the equation x2 + x-m = 0 about X has no real roots"; (3) the inverse proposition is "if the equation x2 + x-m = 0 about X has real roots, then M > 0"; (6) the inverse proposition is "if the equation x2 + x-m = 0 about X has no real roots, then m ≤ 0." & nbsp; (9) according to the discriminant of the equation △

Let the proposition be "if M > 0, then the equation x2 + x-m = 0 about X has a real root", try to write its no proposition, inverse proposition and inverse no proposition, and judge their truth and falseness respectively

The negative proposition is "if M ≤ 0, then the equation x2 + x-m = 0 about X has no real roots"; (3) the inverse proposition is "if the equation x2 + x-m = 0 about X has real roots, then M > 0"; (6) the inverse proposition is "if the equation x2 + x-m = 0 about X has no real roots, then m ≤ 0." & nbsp; (9) according to the discriminant of the equation △