What are 19 and 2? 1 composite 2 prime 3 odd 4 even piease

What are 19 and 2? 1 composite 2 prime 3 odd 4 even piease

Prime number

What are the odd, even and combined numbers in the number of 1 36 25 13 19 39 2 18 70?

6 4 5

21 36 33 16 73 29 35 39 49 24 67 19 18 57 Prime: Total:
The side length of a square is prime, and its circumference is ()
A. Prime B. composite. C. may be prime, may be composite
Sum of two odd numbers ()
A. It's odd B. It's even C. It could be odd or even
Prime number
8=()+() 12=()+() 10+()+() 34+()+() 14=()+()

The side length of a square is prime, and its circumference is (B. composite)
The sum of two odd numbers (B. is even)
8=(3)+(5) 12=(5)+(7) 10+(3)+(7) 34+(17)+(17) 14=(3)+(11)

The sum of a prime number and a composite number is 17, and the product is 52. The prime number and composite number are () and ()

13+4=17 13*4=52

The sum of a prime number and a composite number is 17, and the product is 42. What are the two numbers?

3 and 14, specific algorithm; prime numbers and composite numbers within 17 have 3 and 14, 4 and 13, 6 and 11, 7 and 10, you just use multiplication, ha ha

The sum of a prime number and a composite number is 17, and the product is 12. What are the prime numbers and composite numbers?
It's 52. Wrong number

Do you have a number like this

13 22 27 17 41 57 61 23 53 73 87 97 33 47 77 these numbers are classified into prime numbers, and the composite number is both even and composite, odd and prime

Prime number 13 17 41 61 23 53 73 97 47
Total 22 27 57 87 33 77
Even numbers are combined 22
Odd numbers are prime numbers 13 17 41 61 23 53 73 97 47

The multiple of 13 is ()
A. Composite B. prime C. may be composite or prime

The number of multiples of a number is infinite. The smallest multiple is itself. 13 is a prime number. Its smallest multiple is 13. Other multiples are composite numbers. Therefore, the multiples of 13 may be composite numbers or prime numbers

Is 6 prime or composite?

Total number
Because there are only two factors of prime numbers, there are more than three factors of composite numbers
The factor of 6 is (

Put the following numbers in the corresponding circle, 1,27,35,31,39,63,49111123,94172513101 even number: Prime Number: composite number

Even number: 94172,
Prime number: 31101
Total number: 27,35,39,63,49111123,94172513,