Help me solve a quadratic equation with one variable. Quick (48-3x)*(92-2x)=4050 There's a process, there's no pull. Come on

Help me solve a quadratic equation with one variable. Quick (48-3x)*(92-2x)=4050 There's a process, there's no pull. Come on

Do you want a process?

It's fast to solve quadratic equation of one variable
1. If C (C is not equal to 0) is a root of the equation AX + BX + C = 0, find the value of AC + B
2. Solve the equation about X: the square of MX + (the square of m-2) - 2m = 0 (M is not equal to 0)

(1) Because C is a root of the equation, the square of AC + BC + C = 0 is directly brought in, because C is not equal to zero, then AC + B = - 1 can be obtained
(2) When m = 0, the equation is a linear equation of one variable, where x = 0. When x is not equal to 0, it can be factorized to (mx-2) (x + m) = 0, then it can be solved to x = 2 / m, or x = - M
Hope to help you, and hope to be adopted