A three digit number, a ten digit number is equal to the sum of a single digit number and a hundred digit number, and the sum of you and the ten digit number is 9 The new three digits obtained by single digit exchange are 297 larger than the original three digits?

A three digit number, a ten digit number is equal to the sum of a single digit number and a hundred digit number, and the sum of you and the ten digit number is 9 The new three digits obtained by single digit exchange are 297 larger than the original three digits?

Let C, B and a be the number of one digit, ten digit and hundred digit respectively
Then B = a + C
The solution is a = 1, B = 5, C = 4
So the number is 154
Hope to help you, I use a mobile phone, can not receive follow-up, if you have any questions, please send me a message~

There is a two digit number, the ten digit number is 7 times larger than the single digit number, and the two digit number is equal to 9 times of the sum of the numbers on the two digit number

Let two digits be 10A + B
The solution is: a = 8, B = 1
This double-digit number is 81