The sum of a two digit ten digit number and a single digit number is 7. If you add 45 to the two digit number, it will be the number formed by transposing the two digit number and the ten digit number. Then the two digit number is () A. 16B. 25C. 52D. 61

The sum of a two digit ten digit number and a single digit number is 7. If you add 45 to the two digit number, it will be the number formed by transposing the two digit number and the ten digit number. Then the two digit number is () A. 16B. 25C. 52D. 61

Let one digit be a and ten digit be B, then the two digit is (10b + a). From the meaning of the question, we get a + B = 710B + A + 45 = 10A + B, and the solution is a = 6B = 1. So the two digit is: 10 × 1 + 6 = 16

A three digit, the ten digit is a, the hundred digit is two times of the ten digit, and the one digit is three times larger than the ten digit

The hundreds are 2a, the tens are a, and the ones are a + 3
So this three digit number is
2a×100 + a×10 + a + 3 = 211a + 3

If there is a three digit number, the ten digit number is a, the hundred digit number is 1 larger than the ten digit number, and the one digit number is 2 larger than the ten digit number, then the three digit number can be expressed as? If
If there is a three digit number, the ten digit number is a, the hundred digit number is 1 larger than the ten digit number, and the one digit number is 2 larger than the ten digit number, then the three digit number can be expressed as? If the sum of three digits is 15, what is the three digit number?

First question: 100 (a + 1) + 10A + (a + 2) = 111a + 102. So the answer is 111a + 102
The second question: (a + 1) + A + (a + 2) = 15, the solution is a = 4, so the number is 546

For a three digit number, the sum of the numbers on each digit is 14, and the sum of the number of individual digits and the number of hundred digits is equal to the number of ten digits. Seven times of the number of hundred digits is 2 times larger than the sum of the number of individual digits and the number of ten digits