A six digit number is 5, a 100000 digit number is 9, and the sum of any three adjacent digits is 20. What is the six digit number?

A six digit number is 5, a 100000 digit number is 9, and the sum of any three adjacent digits is 20. What is the six digit number?

From: 9 + A + B = a + B + C, C = 9
B = 5 is obtained from B + C + D = C + D + 5
A = 6, d = 6
So the 6 digits are:
nine hundred and sixty-five thousand nine hundred and sixty-five
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For a six digit number, the number on one digit is 5, the number on 100000 digit is 9, and the sum of any three adjacent digits is 20. What is the six digit number?

The sum of any three adjacent digits is 20

A six digit number is 5, 100000 digits is 9, and the sum of any three adjacent digits is 20. What is the six digit number?

First, we can deduce that the number of hundred digits is 9, the number of thousand digits is 5, and then we can calculate that the number of ten thousand digits and ten thousand digits are 6, so this number is 965965

For a six digit number, the number in one digit is 7, the number in 100000 digits is 4, and the sum of any three adjacent digits is 20. What is the six digit number?

Let the numbers on each digit of the six digit number be:
According to the meaning of the title:
1: C + D + 7 = 20, C + D = 13
2: B + C + D = 20, combined with the conclusion in one, we can conclude that B = 7
Therefore, a = 20-7-4 = 9
So the six digit number is 497497