The sum of the three digit numbers is 12, and its one digit number is 2 less than the ten digit number. If you exchange the hundred digit number with the one digit number, the number will be 99 less than the original number Experts, show your talents quickly

The sum of the three digit numbers is 12, and its one digit number is 2 less than the ten digit number. If you exchange the hundred digit number with the one digit number, the number will be 99 less than the original number Experts, show your talents quickly

four hundred and fifty-three
X + 2Z = 10 because the difference between X and Z is 1
So it's easy to get 453

There is a three digit number. The sum of the three digits is 12. The hundred digit number is 7 times larger than the ten digit number, and the three digit number is 3 times larger?

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