Do me a little favor, ① If 30 people are transferred from team a to team B, the number of the two teams will be equal. If 10 people are transferred from each team, the remaining number of team B is 25% of the remaining number of team A. how many people are there in each team? ② One container is full of alcohol, the first time pour out a quarter, the second time pour out another 25 liters, the final volume of alcohol in the container is one eighth of the original, what is the volume of the ball container? 3: The distance between the two places is 308km. The two trains run from the two cities at the same time and meet three hours later. It is known that the speed of car a is one third faster than that of car B, so the speed of car B can be calculated Using the equation solution,

Do me a little favor, ① If 30 people are transferred from team a to team B, the number of the two teams will be equal. If 10 people are transferred from each team, the remaining number of team B is 25% of the remaining number of team A. how many people are there in each team? ② One container is full of alcohol, the first time pour out a quarter, the second time pour out another 25 liters, the final volume of alcohol in the container is one eighth of the original, what is the volume of the ball container? 3: The distance between the two places is 308km. The two trains run from the two cities at the same time and meet three hours later. It is known that the speed of car a is one third faster than that of car B, so the speed of car B can be calculated Using the equation solution,

1. Suppose there are x people in team a and y people in team B, then X-30 = y + 30, X-10 = 4 * (Y-10). The result shows that there are 90 people in team a and 30 people in team B
2. Suppose the original alcohol volume is a, then A-25% A-25 = 12.5% a, a is 40
3. If the speed of vehicle B is a, then 3 * (a + 4 / 3a) = 308 and a is 44

30 + 2.5x = 4x (solving equation)
