The function has no definition at one point. It can be an infinite breakpoint, a de breakpoint, an oscillating breakpoint, or a jumping breakpoint

The function has no definition at one point. It can be an infinite breakpoint, a de breakpoint, an oscillating breakpoint, or a jumping breakpoint

There is a relationship between definition and discontinuity. The reason why you ask is that both of them are abstract in function properties,
For a simple example, the sign function is defined at x = 0, but it is discontinuous at 0

The distinction and division of discontinuities in higher numbers

Several common types: removable breakpoint: the left limit and right limit of function exist at the point and are equal, but not equal to the point. Function value or function has no definition at the point. For example, function y = (x ^ 2-1) / (x-1) is at the point x = 1. Jump breakpoint: the left limit and right limit of function exist at the point but are not equal. For example, function y = | x | / X is at the point

Discontinuities and their types
I know that the domain of definition of this topic is the point except x = 1, - 1,0,
Please help me write the process

LIM (x - > 1) f (x) = LIM (x - > 1)) SiNx / [│ x │ (x + 1)] = sin1 / 2, so x = 1 is the removable discontinuity LIM (x - > - 1) f (x) = LIM (x - > - 1)) SiNx / [│ x │ (x + 1)] = infinity, so x = - 1 is the infinite discontinuity LIM (x - > 0 +) f (x) = LIM (x - > 0 +)) SiNx / [x (x + 1)] = 1lim (x - > 0 -) f (x) = LIM (x - > 0 -)

Xiaoling set up a program in the computer, input the number a, add * key, and then input B, you can calculate a * b = (a-2b) / (2a-b)
1. Find (- 4) * (negative quarter)
2. When Xiaohua uses the program, the screen prompts: "this operation can't be carried out". Guess what characteristics of the data Xiaohua input?

1. (-4)*(-1/4) = (-4 - 2*(-1/4)) / (2*(-4) - (-1/4)) = 14/31
2. The input a and B just satisfy 2a-b = 0

When calculating with calculator, Xiao Ming mistakenly input 692 as 693. If you want to clear 3, you should press () key

You should press del

A classmate mistakenly input 88 into 8 when calculating the average of 20 numbers with a calculator. The average he calculated is much different from the real average

4 less than real

Find root 1, root 2, root 3 How many numbers are equal to the root 10? Three decimal places


On the display screen of the calculator, there are ten numbers 0-9 in total. Among these ten numbers, the number of the centrosymmetric figure is
This question is a bit confusing. For example, the number 2 is curved on some calculators and square on some calculators. Which one does this question say?
It's a math problem, not a brain twister. Help me!

I don't think so. If it's a Brain Twister, the answer is ten!

Among the ten numbers 0-9 displayed on the calculator, the number is close to both the axisymmetric figure and the centrosymmetric figure


1. Among the ten numbers from 0 to 9 displayed on the calculator, the number that is close to both the axisymmetric figure and the centrosymmetric figure is -- Question supplement and question

Axisymmetric: 0 & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; 8
Centrosymmetry: 0 & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; 2 & nbsp; 5 & nbsp; 8
Axisymmetric and centrosymmetric: 0 & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; 8