Under the same conditions, the same volume of hydrogen can be produced by the reaction of three alcohols a, B and C with enough sodium metal. The ratio of the three alcohols consumed is 3:6:2. Then the ratio of hydroxyl groups in the molecules of these three alcohols a, B and C is? What does "number of moles" mean?

Under the same conditions, the same volume of hydrogen can be produced by the reaction of three alcohols a, B and C with enough sodium metal. The ratio of the three alcohols consumed is 3:6:2. Then the ratio of hydroxyl groups in the molecules of these three alcohols a, B and C is? What does "number of moles" mean?

Let the amount of three alcohols a, B and C be 3mol, 6mol and 2mol respectively. The hydroxyl number of each molecule a, B and C is x, y and Z;
Because the same volume of hydrogen is produced, the total number of hydroxyl groups is equal;

A. Under the same conditions, the same volume of hydrogen can be produced by the complete reaction of B and C alcohols with enough sodium metal. The ratio of the three alcohols is 3:6:2, then the ratio of hydroxyl groups in a, B and C alcohols is ()
A. 3:2:1B. 2:6:3C. 3:1:2D. 2:1:3

Suppose that hydrogen a mol is generated, according to 2-OH ~ 2Na ~ H2 ↑, the hydroxyl groups participating in the reaction are all 2amol, so the ratio of the number of hydroxyl groups in a, B and c molecules is 2a3:2a6:2a2 = 2:1:3, so D

A. B, C three alcohols completely react with a sufficient amount of sodium metal to produce the same volume of hydrogen under the same conditions. The ratio of the three alcohols consumed is 2:4:3. Then the ratio of hydroxyl radical of a, B, C three alcohols is () a, 3:2:1, b6:3:4, C2; 1; 3 D2; 6; 3. The answer is B. why? Don't copy other people's questions. The ratio of hydroxyl radical of this question is different from other questions, which is 2; 4; 3,

Let the hydroxyl numbers of a, B and C be x, y and Z respectively
Because the ratio of the number of hydroxyl groups in alcohols to the number of hydrogen atoms to be replaced is 1:1, the three alcohols react with sodium to produce the same volume of hydrogen, so the hydroxyl groups provided by the three alcohols are the same
So 2x = 4Y = 3Z
I hope my answer can be helpful to your study!

If the molar ratio of hydrogen to alcohol is 1:1, the alcohol may be ()
A. Methanol B. ethanol C. ethylene glycol D. glycerol

When alcohol reacts with enough sodium metal, the ratio of hydrogen to alcohol is 1:1, then 1mol alcohol contains 2mol hydroxyl. A and 1mol methanol only contain 1mol hydroxyl, so a is wrong; B and 1mol ethanol only contain 1mol hydroxyl, so B is wrong; C and 1mol glycol only contain 2mol hydroxyl, so C is correct; D and 1mol glycerol only contain 3mol hydroxyl, so D is wrong