It is known that: as shown in the figure, the real numbers corresponding to points a, B, C and D are all integers. If point a corresponds to real number a, point B corresponds to real number B, and b-2a = 7, then the origin on the number axis should be______ Point

It is known that: as shown in the figure, the real numbers corresponding to points a, B, C and D are all integers. If point a corresponds to real number a, point B corresponds to real number B, and b-2a = 7, then the origin on the number axis should be______ Point

From the number axis, B-A = 3, ①, ∵ b-2a = 7, ②. By solving the equations composed of ① and ②, a = - 4, B = - 1, ∵ the origin of the number axis should be point C

As shown in the figure, two points a and B on the number axis correspond to real numbers a and B respectively, then the following conclusion is correct: a. a < BB. A = BC. A > BD. ab > 0

∵ B is on the left side of the origin, a is on the right side of the origin, ∵ B < 0, a > 0, ∵ a > b, so a and B are wrong, C is correct; ∵ A and B are different, ∵ AB < 0, so D is wrong. So select C

If d-c = 2 (B-A) = 4 (C-B) = 4 and d-2a = 9, then the origin on the number axis should be ()

1. From d-2a = 9 to d = 2A + 9
2. From 2 (B-A) = 4, B = a + 2
3. From d-c = 4 and d = 2A + 9, C = 2A + 5
4. From 4 (C-B) = 4, B = a + 2, C = 2A + 5, 4 (2a + 5 - (a + 2)) = 4 = = > A = - 2
If B = 2 is obtained from b = a + 2, then the origin on the number axis should be (b)

How many points are there on the number axis whose distance from the origin is 6? What are the numbers represented by these numbers? How many points are there whose distance from the origin is 9,
What are the numbers represented by these points?

There are two points on the number axis whose distance from the origin is 6, which are + 2 and - 2 respectively
There are two points with a distance of 9 from the origin, which are + 9 and - 9 respectively